Fast App

Responsive web application that makes possible to carry out fast survey among the physicians and others. Due to application you can conveniently and fast check the results of the survey and you will get fast answer for your questions. The application allows minimizing costs of the survey.


Advanced server research software allows control, create and run surveys from one platform. CATI System was created to comprehensive implementation of statistical research. On CATI-System you can run telephone surveys (CATI), online surveys (CAWI) and computer assisted personal surveys (CAPI).

E-comunication platform

We offer a platform that serves to interdisciplinary communication between participants of the survey such as patients, physicians, specialists, and laboratories.


Application that - in easy way - helps to estimate the competence and work of medical and pharmaceutical agents. The system is based on questionnaires for surveys like: subjective evaluations of the employee, evaluation of the supervisor, interim evaluations of the employee, evaluation of the promotion appointments.

WWW Services

We design and create web portals and websites. We use the newest technologies and rules of UX and UI. All of our projects are adapted to be displayed on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets.

WEB&MOBILE Applications

Our IT and statistics experts for more than 10 years provide clients high-tech dedicated applications. Our goal is to adapt every application to your needs. That is why we constantly upgrade all the solutions available in our offer by introducing new modules and increasing their level of complexity while keeping clearness and intuitiveness.

The biggest advantage of cooperation with us is possibility of unlimited progress of application, full post-implementation support and technical help as a part of warranty. We also offer post-warranty in the case of hour packets which every of our clients can purchase.

We offer our clients comprehensive services of management and process of the data in the clinical trials like: creating and programing data base, processing and verification of the introduced data, data monitoring, side effects report, statistical plan, statistical analysis, preparation of statistical report and final presentation of data. To do that we use our eCRF dedicated system.

On client request we proceed by determined standard procedures (SOP) and accordingly to the requirements of Good Clinical Practice (GCP).

Reporting Apps

We create dedicated reporting application used to collecting data in central database and allowing to automatic reporting. We provide application as the website or mobile version.

Reporting applications are characterized by easy input data. Reports generated by our systems are dynamic – for example we can change range of data and report reacts to this in real time mode.

Medfile is software that allows carrying out electronic medical documentation not only for individual doctor’s offices, but also for medical centres. Program supports work organization by setting visit dates, creating and storing medical documentation and creating and printing prescriptions and referrals. There is a possibility to add pictures to patients documentation.

Mając kilkuletnie doƛwiadczenie w branĆŒy IT kreujemy trendy zapewniając pƂynną komunikację pomiędzy wszystkimi uczestnikami sektora farmaceutycznego, wysoki poziom bezpieczeƄstwa ƛwiadczonych usƂug, staƂą i stabilną wspóƂpracę. Nasze innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne w peƂni kompatybilne z obowiązującymi standardami rynkowymi to jeden z naszych największych atutĂłw, ktĂłry pozwala nam sprostać wszystkim potrzebom naszych klientĂłw.

Jesteƛmy wiodącym producentem oprogramowania do Elektronicznej dokumentacji medycznej i kompleksowego zarządzania przychodnią i gabinetem.

Aplikacje webowe projektujemy tak, aby byƂy one dostępne z dowolnego komputera przy pomocy przeglądarki. Zapewniamy odpowiednią architekturę serwerową, ktĂłra daje największą elastycznosć przy korzystaniu z coraz bardziej mobilnego ƛrodowiska. Wszystkie nasze aplikacje są w peƂni responsywne - dostosowują się do rozdzielczoƛci urządzienia, na ktĂłrym są wyswietlane. Tworzymy dedykowane oprogramowanie, zarĂłwno w wesji webowej oraz na platformy mobilne Android, iOS, Windows.

Obecnie dedykowane aplikacje mobilne cieszą się coraz bardziej duĆŒÄ… popularnoƛcią. Nasze projekty są zgodne znajnowszymi trendami graficznymi i UX oraz cechuje je wysoki poziom bezpieczeƄstwa. Realizujemy aplikację na kaĆŒdą z platform mobilnych. Skupiamy się przede wszystkim, na poprawnoƛci i szybkoƛci dziaƂania.

Electronic patient card eCRF

High tech system to collect data from clinical trials and observational studies.

Meet the eCRF.bizTM system

Compatibility of the system with the FDA guidelines (Title 21 CFR Part 11)


Data Query


Data Backup


Responsive web application


Intuitive interface


Audit Trail

Medfile. Elektroniczna Dokumentacja Medyczna.
Program dla gabinetu
Program do e-Recept
e-dokumentacja medyczna
Wspiera organizację pracy dzięki moduƂom ustalania wizyt i rejestracji pacjentĂłw, funkcję tworzenia i gromadzenia dokumentacji medycznej online (wraz ze zdjęciami) czy moduƂowi kreowania oraz wydruku recept i skierowaƄ.
SprawdĆș więcej Arrow
do badaƄ
satysfakcji klientĂłw.
ObsƂuguje peƂny proces badawczy:
  • Projektowanie
  • Badania
  • Analiza.
SprawdĆș więcej Arrow
platforma dedykowana
zarządzaniu i kompleksowej
realizacji badaƄ ankietowych
Funkcjonalnoƛć systemu pozwala operować zarĂłwno prostymi kwestionariuszami, jaki i projektować skomplikowane ankiety opatrzone rĂłĆŒnymi typami pytaƄ i treƛciami multimedialnymi.
SprawdĆș więcej Arrow
Panel Badanie Opinii
Platforma objemująca
ogólnopolską sieć
Pozwala to sprawnie prowadzić badania ankietowe na ƛciƛle zdefiniowanych grupach respondentĂłw. Panel sprzyja intuicyjnemu tworzeniu ankiet oraz kierowaniu ich do wybranej grupy uĆŒytkownikĂłw poprzez wysyƂkę zaproszeƄ pocztę.
SprawdĆș więcej Arrow
Platforma interdyscyplinarnej
pomiędzy laboratorium, lekarzem, pacjentem, i specjalistami.
SprawdĆș więcej Arrow
Autoryzowany serwis do zbierania zgĂłd zgodny z wytycznymi RODO.
SprawdĆș więcej Arrow

With several years of experience in the IT industry we have become the current trendsetters when it comes to providing smooth communications between all participants of the pharmaceutical sector, an ultimate level of safety within provided services, and a constant and stable collaboration. Our innovative technological solutions are fully compatible with current market standards, and are one of our greatest strengths, enabling us to meet all of the needs of our customers.

We will examine your needs, formulate a diagnosis, and recommend a solution.

WEB & MOBILE Applications

We design our web applications so that they are accesible from any computer with any available browsers. We provide an appropriate server architecture that provides immense flexibility within the icreasingly mobile environment. All of our apps are fully responsive, and adapt to the resolution of the device on which they are displayed. We create custom software with both a Web-based version, and for mobile platforms such as Android, iOS and Windows.

Novadays dedicated mobile applications are becoming extremely popular. Our projects are in line with latest trends in graphics and UX, and are characterized by a high level of security. We create applications for each of the mobile platforms. We focus primarily on accuracy, speed and efficiency.



multiple access

Multiple access



multiple platform

Multiple platforms

newest trends

Newest trends




Survey coding in one workday

Acces on a tablet/smartphone through the internet browser

Minimisation the cost of researchersConvenient and fast access to current results

Fast respond from the field on precise and bothering questions

Full control over the implementation of the research in the field

Quick response to precise and bothering questions

SFvalue 360° application

An app to evaluate the work and competences of medical and pharmaceutical representatives


Analysis of sales regions


Samples records




Reminder alerts


Subjective evaluation of the employee


Interim evaluation of supervisor


Interim evaluations of the employee


Evaluation of promosional visits


(+48) 22 12 28 025
(+48) 668 300 664


Biostat Ewa Tkocz-Piszczek
ul. Kowalczyka 17
44-206 Rybnik


Sales office
Aleje Jerozolimskie 96
00-807 Warszawa